Tuesday, February 5, 2008

The Statue of the Risen Christ

This statue oozes a liquid from the knee. It has been occurring since the 20th anniversary of the Apparitions. Recently it started oozing from a second place on the knee. A pilgrim collected the liquid and got it tested - the liquid was found to be "human tears."

Apparition Picture

The 6 visionaries during an Apparition

Monday, February 4, 2008

Mary's Apparition October 2, 2007!


Copy and paste the address above to watch the Apparition!

Mary's Message to Mirjana January 2, 2008



Mary's Message to Mirjana February 2, 2008

Dear children, I am with you. As a mother, I am gathering you, because I desire to erase from your hearts what I see now. Accept the love of my Son and erase fear, pain, suffering and disappointment from your heart. I have chosen you in a special way to be a light of the love of my Son. Thank you.